FIWARE Challenge/Hackathon im Rahmen der ICT2018

29. November 2018 Bildung/Forschung

Im Rahmen der ICT2018 im Austria Center (4. – 6.12.2018), findet ein Hackathon/Challenge auf FIWARE Basis statt.

The best developers realize their concept in a Challenge Partner project and win prize money totalling 10,000 Euros. Develop a Smart City App with real-time data from cities and other data sources, using the FIWARE generic component framework. Show it to the world at the ICT 2018 conference in Vienna – the place to be for more than 6.000 developers, startups and innovation leaders.


Join in today and apply with your idea on how to solve one of the ICT challenges which make cities a better place to live in:

  1. Develop a game to make people aware of climate change and energy efficiency in their region
  2. Create a digital assistant for citizens using Austrian Open Data
  3. Build a data performance cockpit for digital twins
  4. Design a smart energy application using various datasets from solar power plants and deployed sensor networks

Your mission is to create a concept and running prototype/MVP during the 48-hour hackathon which will then be presented to a jury.

Weitere Infos: